Misleading chronic infection screening in autoimmune disease

Misleading chronic infection screening in autoimmune disease

Infectious disease serology Infectious disease serology are laboratory studies ordered by your physician to support the suspicion that an infectious burden is present. One example would be Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), which causes mono. Your physician might consider this test in a young adult with sudden onset of disabling fatigue, fever, sore throat, swollen lymphRead more about Misleading chronic infection screening in autoimmune disease[…]

Robust Health Radio Episode # 20 with Dr. Jamil Sayegh

Robust Health Radio Episode # 20 with Dr. Jamil Sayegh

Dr. Jamil Sayegh is an international transformation coach and strategist, integrative naturopathic physician, and the author of 20 Steps to Your Next Breakthrough. He has a deep passion to end suffering for as many people as possible by reconnecting them to what’s real, challenging them to live and love fully, and partnering with them to create extraordinaryRead more about Robust Health Radio Episode # 20 with Dr. Jamil Sayegh[…]

Should you be taking an aspirin a day? The CDC wants more folks on aspirin for primary preventative care

Should you be taking an aspirin a day? The CDC wants more folks on aspirin for primary preventative care

An aspirin a day keeps the doctor away? The old addage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” has long been applied to aspirin. And on the surface it sounds like a not so bad idea. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, derived from the bark and leaves of willow trees. We use white willow barkRead more about Should you be taking an aspirin a day? The CDC wants more folks on aspirin for primary preventative care[…]

Robust Health Radio Episode # 19 with Luis Villasenor

Robust Health Radio Episode # 19 with Luis Villasenor

Luis Villaseñor (aka DarthLuiggi) is the founder of KETOGAINS. Luis has always been passionate about fitness due to a personal interest in improving his own physique. Always curious in learning the “whys and how’s” of how it all works, he has been studying and researching nutrition and strength training since he was 17. Upon discovering ketogenic diets inRead more about Robust Health Radio Episode # 19 with Luis Villasenor[…]

New Insights on the gut microbiome with researcher Lucy Mailing

New Insights on the gut microbiome with researcher Lucy Mailing

Episode 18 of Robust Health Radio features MD, PhD candidate Lucy Mailing. Lucy is a fouth-year MD-PhD student in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illonois and was recently named an Emerging Leader in Nutrition Science by the American Society for Nutrition. Her laboratory research focuses on understanding how diet and exercise can beneficially modulateRead more about New Insights on the gut microbiome with researcher Lucy Mailing[…]